A Lifetime of bong-joo teacher and an account of wight throwing player 봉주(鳳周)선생의 삶과 투척선수(投擲選手) 이야기
박기동KiDongPark , 김용수YongSooKim
49(1) 1-14, 2010
A Lifetime of bong-joo teacher and an account of wight throwing player 봉주(鳳周)선생의 삶과 투척선수(投擲選手) 이야기
박기동KiDongPark , 김용수YongSooKim
This study is a case oral history through a guidance teacher of throwing events. By examining his life history through his in-depth oral statements, the purpose of this study is to inspect what happened while he was a player in youth and a teacher in later time in life and to grasp aspects he achieved as an athlete in the process of guiding the elite throwing players. The results are as follows; First, the participant in this research could reach the heights in his profession through the constant effort and with perseverance after all his frustrations. Second, he is an athlete as well as an educator who instructed his juniors and students in skills and techniques which he had trained. Third, the participant was faithful to his duties as a teacher and he is the sportsman who trained a lot of elite athletes with challenging spirit.
Key Words
Lifetime, guidance teacher, oral history, wight throwing player
An ethnographic understanding on Korean male caddies 한국 남자캐디에 대한 문화기술적 이해
김응식EungSikKim , 윤경KyoungYoon , 김옥주OkJuKim
49(1) 15-24, 2010
An ethnographic understanding on Korean male caddies 한국 남자캐디에 대한 문화기술적 이해
김응식EungSikKim , 윤경KyoungYoon , 김옥주OkJuKim
This study aims to explore the identity of male caddies in Korean sports culture and to understand their subculture. Data were collected by direct observation of caddies at golf courses in Jeonnam, Jeonbuk and Jejudo, open-ended questionnaire was distributed to them and secondary data were collected through interview and e-mail. Data collected from open-ended questionnaire, observation and taperecording were transcribed by computer, key themes of text materials were made as template to conduct template analysis, and the following conclusions were obtained on the basis of subculture areas made by male caddies at golf courses. First, They began to work as caddy with a view to raise fund for getting another job or managing golf-related business or being pro-golfer. Second, male caddies said that the personal neglect was the biggest trouble to them, although keeping close relationship with female caddies and complex and various relations with male and female golfers. Third, male caddies have the following awareness of their job. Fourth, male caddies have language deviation culture such as tacit consent of violation of rules by golfers, absence without leave after drinking, score manipulation and Buldang meaning night duty as punishment. And they also have another deviation culture to endure sexual harassment by indirect language abuse, violent language and even violence from some golfers.
Key Words
male caddies, Ethnographic, Golf, Culture
Lifetime and thought of seok jin-gyeong with the 10th dan in judo for the first time in korea 한국인 최초 유도10단 석진경(石鎭慶)의 생애와 사상
This study clarified achievements and thought in Seok Jin-gyeong, who had failed to be illuminated yet by younger students in the face of numerous achievements, thereby having understood his achievements and idea and having described how Seok Jin-gyeong's life is being transmitted to younger students. Seok Jin-gyeong, who was born in 1912. comes to push on the substantially judo training at that time when he was in the 4th grade of Baejae school. As entering Ritsumeikan University in Japan after graduating from Baejae school, Seok Jin-gyeong comes to be active as a player as a means of self-impowerment in the Korean race. As being active as a domestic coach after returning home, he comes to feel keenly necessity for a new thought and spirit in judo in line with the situation of period in order to remove bad image in judo at that time. Joseon judo Association, establishment of Daehan Judo School, and establishment of judo division of Dong-A University. Korean judo rose to the rank of strong power in judo due to an effort of a devoted figure like Seok Jin-gyeong. Under his instruction, the numerously noted people in judo were produced. His younger students succeed to his thought and last wishes of being followed and inherited by new younger students. The life of Seok Jin-gyeong, who was granted the command of the 10th dan Yuseong(柔聖), which is the highest dan for the first time in Korea in 1990, by being recognized this meritorious service, will need to be succeeded and developed.
Key Words
Seok Jin-gyeong, judo, dong-a university judo team, Lifetime, yuseong
The relationship among Leader`s transformational Leadership, reliability and team performance of school soccer 학원 축구 지도자의 변혁적 리더십, 신뢰성 및 팀 성과의 관계
49(1) 37-46, 2010
The relationship among Leader`s transformational Leadership, reliability and team performance of school soccer 학원 축구 지도자의 변혁적 리더십, 신뢰성 및 팀 성과의 관계
The purpose of this study is to research the connection between leader's transformational leadership and reliability in the institutional variation of school soccer and team performance. Through convenience sampling method, I gathered 480 questionnaires from middle school soccer teams, located in 16 metropolitan cities and provinces. Form these I selected 424 questionnaires except 56 unsuitable for this study. I conducted exploratory factor analysis with SPSS WIN. 15.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model with LISREL 8.50. Followings are the results from empirical analysis. First, in the hypothesis related to transformational leadership and team trust, charisma and intellectual stimulation have positive effects on team trust but motivation and individualized consideration have no positive effect on team trust. Second, in the hypothesis related to transformational leadership and coach trust, charisma, motivation, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation have positive effects on coach trust Third, in the hypothesis related to team performance and reliability, team trust and coach trust have positive effects on team performance.
Key Words
transformational Leadership, charisma, motivation, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, team trust, coach trust, team performance
A study on older adults` perceived barriers in sport activity participation 노인의 생활체육참가 제약요인에 관한 연구
49(1) 47-56, 2010
A study on older adults` perceived barriers in sport activity participation 노인의 생활체육참가 제약요인에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the older adults' perceived barriers in sport activity participation. According to these process, it was possible to provide meaningful and effective solutions for the older adults who have unique aspects and demands in contemporary society. As a result, older adults usually perceived psychological, physical, and social barriers in sport activity participation. Psychological barriers significantly limited older adults' perceptions and experiences on importances of sport activity participation. Physical barriers significantly limited the strength and length of older adults' sport activity participation. Social barriers significantly limited older adults' opportunities to participate in various sport activity programs because of the insufficient social and environmental supports. Consequently, it was important to understand and perceived the unique aspects of older adults in contemporary society. For doing so, it was possible to provide various and effective sport activity programs which promote the status of older adults significantly.
Key Words
older adults, perceived barriers, sport activity participation, unique aspects
A study on the efficient management of public sports facilities after mega sports events: with a focus on Spo-one Park 메가스포츠이벤트 사후 공공체육시설 운영효율화 방안: 스포원파크 사례를 중심으로
전윤애YunAeJeon , 이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NameMiLee
49(1) 57-71, 2010
A study on the efficient management of public sports facilities after mega sports events: with a focus on Spo-one Park 메가스포츠이벤트 사후 공공체육시설 운영효율화 방안: 스포원파크 사례를 중심으로
전윤애YunAeJeon , 이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NameMiLee
The purpose of this study was to provide the improvements for management efficiency of the public sports facilities after mega sports event. In order to figure out the status of efficient usage of sports facilities, we analyzed the management status of Spo-one park as case study, and investigated related researches and former studies. The results of improvement plan were as follows; first, the management core for the sports facilities is supposed to be selected out of consideration for a character, a statue of the management, and similar facilities' accomplishment. Second, the remodeling and mixed-use are supposed to be promoted. Third, after the awareness of each kind of sports' characters and grasping of customer satisfaction, distinguished and comparative services are necessary. Besides, it is required to utilize each facility efficiently, set a connection, offer suit programs for a local situation, and employ professional instructors. Forth, the sports facilities should serve as a place for a local society and a community. Fifth, the publicity work for many facilities, leaders, programs, a sports club, and education is essential to its exist as an organism in a systematic way with diverse ideas. And publicity work for making local identity should be additional as well.
Key Words
mega sports events, public sport facilities, Spo-one park
Health discourse as social constructions: social representations of health and obesity in adolescents 사회적 구성체로서의 건강담론: 청소년이 인식하는 건강과 비만의 사회적 표상
49(1) 73-84, 2010
Health discourse as social constructions: social representations of health and obesity in adolescents 사회적 구성체로서의 건강담론: 청소년이 인식하는 건강과 비만의 사회적 표상
To date, health and obesity including overweight became the very frequently communicated topic in a consumer society. The public have discussed these issues in their daily life, and the media also distributed related discourses by news, newspaper articles, and the internet. This article tries to analyze the social representations on the health and obesity in adolescent with the theory of social representations. For achieving this purpose, the author distributed questionnaires to 970 middle and high school students in nationwide and analyzed the data by adopting category and thematic analysis. As a result, categories of social representations on health in adolescents were revealed as the 'Exercise', 'Thinness', 'Planned Disposition', 'Food', and 'Looking-good'. On the contrary, categories of social representations on obesity of adolescents were formed with ‘Unrestricted Dieting', 'Fatness/Bigness', 'Risk Discourse', and 'Irresponsibility.' With these results, the author discussed that these categories could be linked some negative biases, misunderstandings and social marginalization in daily life of adolescents. Especially, the social representations that most adolescents carved on their cognition about obesity were all negative things, and those included information without precise and accurate data. In conclusion, we could describe 'being healthy' as “a state being thin and looking-good with dealing planned exercise and food-taking practice”, whereas 'being obese' as “a state being dangerous in health with fatness because of irresponsible and intemperate dietary life.”
Key Words
Health, obesity, social representation, adolescents, fatness, fitness
A comparative study on the reporting tendency of news media for the handball events with movie ‘the best moments of our Lives’ as a background 영화 ‘우리 생애 최고의 순간’ 개봉 전ㆍ후 핸드볼 종목의 신문매체 보도경향에 관한 비교연구
정샘SamChung , 박현종HyunJongPark , 유재충JaiChoongYoo
49(1) 85-96, 2010
A comparative study on the reporting tendency of news media for the handball events with movie ‘the best moments of our Lives’ as a background 영화 ‘우리 생애 최고의 순간’ 개봉 전ㆍ후 핸드볼 종목의 신문매체 보도경향에 관한 비교연구
정샘SamChung , 박현종HyunJongPark , 유재충JaiChoongYoo
The purpose of this study is to analyze the progress of reporting according to times by examining the report articles on the handball event that are produced or reproduced by the news media. Especially, a content analysis was conducted by analyzing the report articles that came out during the 2004 Athens Olympic and the 2008 Beijing Olympic that were held around the release of the movie 'The Best Moments of Our Lives' in order to find how the movie, which became a social syndrome of the public, is being reflected in the news articles and research what kind of contents are being produced and distributed through the use of which methods by the news media for the report articles of the handball event. The collected articles have been computerized according to analytical purposes after coding the content of each article by classifying the articles according to the established categories for analysis, and frequency analysis, correspondence analysis have been used in this study. As a result, the reporting trend(the report frequency, the average number of characters, print section, the content aspect of the type, the attitude of reporting, the article author) change has been confirmed. And among the handball related articles during the final selection period of the Beijing Olympic, the term 'Woo-Sang-Soon' print frequency increased.
The actual condition of Leisure sports club members’ betting during a match and social-psychological, behavioral characteristics of sports betting addiction 생활체육 동호인의 운동내기 실태와 운동내기 중독의 사회심리ㆍ행동 특성
49(1) 97-111, 2010
The actual condition of Leisure sports club members’ betting during a match and social-psychological, behavioral characteristics of sports betting addiction 생활체육 동호인의 운동내기 실태와 운동내기 중독의 사회심리ㆍ행동 특성
The main objective of the present study was to survey the actual condition of leisure sports club members' betting during a match and characteristics of sports betting addiction. 1,477 members were collected from 7 sport items, for example, golf, badminton, table tennis, tennis, basketball, volleyball, and, soccer as subjects using proportional stratified cluster sampling method from June to July, 2009. Sports betting addiction and club members' social-psychological/ behavioral characteristics were respectively measured by Kim(2003)'s K-NODS and Lee, Kim, & Kim(2003)'s scales. As a result, this study discovered following facts. 69.7% of members have sports betting experience during last 1 year, 7.9% of those have symptoms of sports betting addiction. And members who have those symptoms have higher degree of relaxation motivation and pursuit of money motivation through match, positive attitude toward sports betting, betting habit, and betting intention than normal and problematic betting groups.
Relationships between sport ability beliefs, 2×2 achievement goals, and motivational regulations: multi-group analysis across gender and grade 스포츠 능력믿음, 2×2 성취목표와 동기조절과의 관계: 성별과 학교급간 다집단 분석
49(1) 113-126, 2010
Relationships between sport ability beliefs, 2×2 achievement goals, and motivational regulations: multi-group analysis across gender and grade 스포츠 능력믿음, 2×2 성취목표와 동기조절과의 관계: 성별과 학교급간 다집단 분석
The purpose of the study was to test the structural relationships between sport ability beliefs, 2×2 achievement goals, and motivational regulation among middle and high school athletes using structural equation model in terms of gender and grade difference. 854 athletes (420 females, 434 males) completed a set of questionnaire on the Conception of the Nature of Sport Ability, 2×2 Achievement Goals for Sport, and Behavioral Regulation for Sport. Multi-group factor analysis was used for data analysis. The results of latent mean analysis indicated that males appeared to have higher levels of mastery-approach, performance-approach, and motivational regulation, but less performance-avoidance goal than females. High school students appeared to have higher level of entity belief than middle school students. Also incremental belief was significantly related to motivational regulation and mastery-approach goal partially mediated this relationship. In conclusion, different strategies considering gender and grade difference are necessary to help adolescent athletes to promote their self-determined motivation in middle and high school sport contexts.
Key Words
sport ability beliefs, 2×2 achievement goals, motivational regulation, measurement invariance, Latent mean analysis
The influence of coaches’ Leadership behavior style on the member satisfaction and sport-confidence perceptional of physical education department an applicant 체육학과 지망생이 지각한 코치의 리더십 행동 유형이 성원만족 및 스포츠 자신감에 미치는 영향
49(1) 127-135, 2010
The influence of coaches’ Leadership behavior style on the member satisfaction and sport-confidence perceptional of physical education department an applicant 체육학과 지망생이 지각한 코치의 리더십 행동 유형이 성원만족 및 스포츠 자신감에 미치는 영향
This study purposes to investigate Influence of coaches' leadership behavior Style on member satisfaction and sports confidence of students who are applicants of physical education department and examine empirically on what casuality exists among the variables. To achieve this goal, applicants of physical education department were chosen as the population for sampling, the valid samples of 406 persons have been used for the analysis using purposeful sampling methods. It was that the leadership behavior Sytle of coach and member satisfaction, sports confidence estimated by leadership scale in sports, member satisfaction questionnaire, sports confidence scale. As a data analysis method for the examination of hypothesis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis have been executed, using Window SPSS Ver. 14.0 program. The major results are as follows: First, the effect of coaches' leadership behavior Style on member satisfaction in applicants of physical education department turned out that the factors of training and instruction behavior, social support behavior, positive feedback behavior in coaches' leadership behavior Style have positive effect on member satisfaction but autocratic behavior have negative effect on member satisfaction. Second, it turned out that coaches' leadership behavior Style have positive effect on sport confidence, democratic behavior, social support behavior and positive feedback behavior have positive effect on sport confidence. Consequently, the findings illustrate the importance of coaches' leadership behavior Sytle in order to enhance member satisfaction and sports confidence.
Key Words
physical education department, Leadership types, member satisfaction, sport confidence
A study on the motor control betweem pianists and ordinary persons according to variation of bimanual force construction 피아노 전공자와 비전공자의 양손 힘 구조 변화에 따른 운동제어 특성
49(1) 137-145, 2010
A study on the motor control betweem pianists and ordinary persons according to variation of bimanual force construction 피아노 전공자와 비전공자의 양손 힘 구조 변화에 따른 운동제어 특성
The purpose of the present study was to investigate, what kind of interactional motor control characteristics appeared on left and right finger movements respectively if foce structures of any one hand was changed when carrying out simultaneous movements with both hands. Subjects(pianists and ordinary persons) performed five simultaneous finger tapping movements with index fingers of both hands under the control condition in which no transformation of force, the condition of different force emphasis on a particular(i.e., the third) tap in any one hand. The results of experiment showed that the pianists' performances are not affected, while ordinary persons' performances are affected force structure in one hand. These results are apparently consistent with the findings of previous researches in which the unity of force was evidenced according to coordination of both hands at the early phase of a mavement, however, in uniting type of force structure, confine to assist a specific research.
Perceived teacher feedback and intrinsic motivation of middle school students in physical education classes 체육수업에서 학생이 지각하는 교사 피드백과 내적동기의 차이 및 관계모형 검증
49(1) 147-156, 2010
Perceived teacher feedback and intrinsic motivation of middle school students in physical education classes 체육수업에서 학생이 지각하는 교사 피드백과 내적동기의 차이 및 관계모형 검증
The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher feedback that students perceived in physical education classes and intrinsic motivation in classes, focusing on gender, school grade, and the class preference differences. In addition, the effects of perceived teacher feedback on intrinsic motivation were verified using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). 825 middle school students completed questionnaires to assess Perception of Teacher Feedback(PTF) scale and Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. Results of MANOVA indicated that perceived teacher feedback differed according to school grade and class preference, and intrinsic motivation differed according to gender and class preference differed. SEM also presented that the perception of teacher feedback influenced intrinsic motivation in physical education classes.
Key Words
teaching behavior, motivation, class satisfaction, SEM
The educational effect of application net ball in physical education classes 넷볼(Net Ball)을 적용한 체육수업의 교육적 효과
49(1) 157-166, 2010
The educational effect of application net ball in physical education classes 넷볼(Net Ball)을 적용한 체육수업의 교육적 효과
The purpose of this study was to observe the participatory effect in relation to the sport, 'Net Ball'; in hopes of greater participation amongst Girls 'M' Middle School students. 187 1st grade female students in Gwangju city participated in this study. Data was collected by means of, 'Open Question, 'Interview'. The major findings could be summarized as followed: The analysis included. It was further classified into 7 additional fields, including: 'Building a desirable society', 'Use of Leisure Time', 'Withdrawal of Stress', 'Psychological Growth', Development of self-efficacy', 'Strength elevation of Health and Physical', Elevation of capacity for locomotion'. In conclusion, female students became more interested in class and displayed a better attitude towards physical education class. I thank all participants for participating actively. This study had a positive effect on the following, 'Building a desirable society', 'Withdrawal of stress', 'A stronger sense of Team Spirit', Physical Strength and Capacity for Locomotion elevation effect'.
Key Words
Net Ball, physical education classes
Physical education teachers’ narrative inquiry of the sport education curriculum model practicum 스포츠교육 모형 실행 경험에 대한 체육교사의 내러티브 탐구
The purpose of this study is to understand experiential meaning that P.E. teachers could experience while carrying out Sport Education Curriculum Model and figure out how to practice it and what are the resistances during the process. The participants consist of three P.E. teachers, who gathered and analyzed data such as class journals and portfolios and used narrative inquiry for this study. As a result of the study, we could examine the various resistances as well as the forming process of P.E. teachers' beliefs about Sport Education Curriculum Model through the students and teachers' diverse and positive change experiences and meaning searches. We also suggested the possibility of regenerating evolved curriculum model by the experience of practice and resistance. This study has the significance to provide the direction for P.E. class curriculum model practice and development.
Key Words
sport education curriculum model, narrative inquiry, p.e. class, curriculum model development
A study on the implications of strategic action-interactions within the developing model of PE textbooks 체육 교과서 개발 모형에서의 작용-상호작용 전략의 함의
49(1) 183-198, 2010
A study on the implications of strategic action-interactions within the developing model of PE textbooks 체육 교과서 개발 모형에서의 작용-상호작용 전략의 함의
The purpose of this study is to interpret procedurally meaning of process, decisive sequences of strategic action/interaction, which make it possible to build theory of 'developing model of PE textbooks' through grounded theory approach. There are six levels of process, strategic action/interaction within the developing model of PE textbooks by conducting mainly in-depth interview. First, "pulling ourselves together and being competent" shows the process of reforming themselves slowly from "initiative hesitating mind". Secondly, "studying and deliberating together" include deliberating together to understand curriculum and sharing scholarly discussions. The third, "constructing(1)"(decision-making process) required selecting contents among issues that started with 'what, who, or how' as well as basic frameworks. The fourth, "constructing(2)" is "mapping out the strategies". The fifth, "reflecting(1)" is related to "communicating" one another. Lastly, "reflecting(2)", "transferring educational cognition" reflected the importance of educational cognizing, sharing opinions and changing for their attitude, from 'passive writers' to "thinking and planning writers".
The relations between a golf coach’s customer-directed service and customer satisfaction & immersion in emotion 골프지도자의 고객지향 서비스와 고객만족, 고객정서몰입과의 관계
조태수TaeSooCho , 김정락JungLakKim
49(1) 199-209, 2010
The relations between a golf coach’s customer-directed service and customer satisfaction & immersion in emotion 골프지도자의 고객지향 서비스와 고객만족, 고객정서몰입과의 관계
조태수TaeSooCho , 김정락JungLakKim
The purpose of this research is to look into the causal relationship between a golf coach-exercised customer-directed service and the satisfaction and immersion in emotion of a customer who uses a golf course. The survey subject includes the members who reside in Chungcheongbukdo and study under a golf coach, and this research extracted samples through convenience sampling. This research made frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis of the collected data using SPSS 14.0 program and also made confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 7.0. The research results are as follows: First, professional skills among the subordinate factors in a golf coach's customer-directed service were found to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Second, motivation among the subordinate factors in golf coach's customer-directed service was found to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Third, customer-centered thinking among the subordinate factors in a golf coach's customer-directed service was found to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Fourth, a customer who is satisfied with a golf coach's customer-directed service was found to have a positive effect on customer's immersion in emotion.
Key Words
professional skills, motivation, customer-centered thinking, satisfied, immersion
Structural relationship among satisfaction in activity classes, sport involvement and attitude of college students 대학생의 교양체육수업 만족도, 스포츠 관여도, 태도의 구조관계분석
49(1) 211-219, 2010
Structural relationship among satisfaction in activity classes, sport involvement and attitude of college students 대학생의 교양체육수업 만족도, 스포츠 관여도, 태도의 구조관계분석
College students have been a primary target of sport industry for over a century. This study was to verify structural relationships among activity class satisfaction, sport involvement, and sport attitude of college students. Data were collected from participants in general activity classes of 'S' university in Seoul. Using convenience sampling method a total of 230 samples were used for this study. The statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling by SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7 programs. The results of this study were that class satisfaction have a positive effects on sport involvement and sport attitude. And, sport involvement appeared to has positive influence on sport attitude. Sport involvement has a role of partial mediating factor between class satisfaction and sport attitude.
Key Words
activity class, class satisfaction, sport involvement, sport attitude
The effect of e-sport fan consumption motives on watching intention e-스포츠 팬 소비동기가 관람의도에 미치는 영향
한진욱JinWookHan , 편도영DoYoungPyun , 권형일HyungIlKwon
49(1) 221-229, 2010
The effect of e-sport fan consumption motives on watching intention e-스포츠 팬 소비동기가 관람의도에 미치는 영향
한진욱JinWookHan , 편도영DoYoungPyun , 권형일HyungIlKwon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of e-sport fan consumption motives (achievement, drama, escape, knowledge, athlete attraction, and entertainment) on watching intention. Questionnaires were conveniently distributed to 500 fans who attended the Shinhan Bank Pro-League 2009 at the Yongsan Stadium. Out of 500, 442 usable questionnaires were returned to the researchers. Data analyses were conducted with SPSS 13.0 version and AMOS 7.0. The results of this study indicated that drama, escape, knowledge, and athlete attractiveness had significant effects on future watching intention, whereas achievement and entertainment did not. Practical implications of findings were discussed.
Key Words
e-sport, fan consumption motives, watching intention
A comparative study of construct equivalence, Latent means of job satisfaction factor between public caddie and membership caddie 골프장 형태에 따른 경기보조원의 직무만족의 구인동등성 검증 및 잠재평균분석
49(1) 231-241, 2010
A comparative study of construct equivalence, Latent means of job satisfaction factor between public caddie and membership caddie 골프장 형태에 따른 경기보조원의 직무만족의 구인동등성 검증 및 잠재평균분석
The purpose of this study is to investigate the job satisfaction scale of the general four factors and to compare the latent means between members‘ golf course and public golf courses caddies. Also, the comparison of component factors influencing job satisfaction scale using structural equation modeling. For this study, the researcher collected 300(public 150, membership 150) samples using purposive sampling method after selecting a sample group from caddies who were working at golf courses. 253 data were collected in this study except data which did not respond or trustlessly responded. Data was analyzed through SPSS 14.0 version and AMOS 7.0. Results show configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance, indicating satisfied, latent means analysis(LMA) is performed to test mean differences on the general four factors across the two groups. First, public caddie was significantly higher in colleague satisfaction factor than membership caddie according to latent mean analysis. Second, membership caddie was significantly higher in workplace satisfaction factor than public caddie according to latent mean analysis.
Key Words
job satisfaction, caddie, Latent mean analysis
Analysis about how trust for the front-Line employee in the golf course and the golf course itself influence on customer Loyalty 골프장 접점종업원 및 골프장 신뢰가 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
이상일SangIlLee , 유현순HyunSoonYu , 황인선InSunHwang
49(1) 243-254, 2010
Analysis about how trust for the front-Line employee in the golf course and the golf course itself influence on customer Loyalty 골프장 접점종업원 및 골프장 신뢰가 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
이상일SangIlLee , 유현순HyunSoonYu , 황인선InSunHwang
The purpose of this study is, first of all, to analyze trust for the front-line employee according to the general characteristics, trust for the golf course and the operating system and the difference of customer loyalty, and then to find out how the golf course users' trust for front-line employee and the golf course influences on customer loyalty. To accomplish this purpose, the data of 270 people who have played in the standard golf course with 18 hole within recent 6 months were used. The data process was carried out with frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, one way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the difference of trust about the general characteristics front-line employee of the subject, there was the remarkable difference according to the kind of golf course. Second, as a result of analyzing the difference of trust about the general characteristics golf course facility and the operating system, there was remarkable difference according to the kind of golf course and sex. Third, as a result of analyzing how trust for the front-line employee influences on loyalty, it turned out the ability to accomplish the affair and the ability to solve the problem influence on loyalty. Fourth, as a result of analyzing how trust for the golf course influences on loyalty, it turned out all of the facility management, the operating system and the ability to solve the problem influence on loyalty.
Key Words
golf, front-Line employee, trust, Loyalty
Differences in the perceived service quality Level of dance sport competitions according to participation part 댄스스포츠 선수의 참가부문에 따른 대회의 서비스품질 수준의 인식차이
양은심EunSimYang , 김수잔SuSanKim , 김성덕SungDuckKim
49(1) 255-265, 2010
Differences in the perceived service quality Level of dance sport competitions according to participation part 댄스스포츠 선수의 참가부문에 따른 대회의 서비스품질 수준의 인식차이
양은심EunSimYang , 김수잔SuSanKim , 김성덕SungDuckKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived differences in the service quality of international dance sport competitions according to the athletes' participation categories. The population included those who participated in at least two out of the four international dance sport competitions held in Korea, and the sample included 195 pertinent competitors cluster sampled from 39 dance sport academies operating in various parts of the country. Also, the instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, and data analyses included application of factor analysis, descriptive analysis, and one-way ANOVA from which the following results were obtained. First, lack of floor testing was more perceived by those competing in one category than those competing in two categories, and inconvenience of facility use was more perceived by professional adults than amateur youths. Lastly, both unfairness of judges and lack of spectator control were more perceived by professional competitors than amateur competitors.
Key Words
dance sport, event management, service quality
The influence of corporate social responsibility with professional baseball`s title sponsor on using intention of title sponsor’s product 프로야구 타이틀스폰서의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자 인식이 스폰서의 제품 이용의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김세윤SeYunKim , 김지훈JiHunKim
49(1) 267-279, 2010
The influence of corporate social responsibility with professional baseball`s title sponsor on using intention of title sponsor’s product 프로야구 타이틀스폰서의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자 인식이 스폰서의 제품 이용의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김세윤SeYunKim , 김지훈JiHunKim
The purpose of this study was investigate the relationship between corporate social responsibility, sponsor identification, positive emotion, attitude toward sponsor and using intention. to complete this purpose, I chose the subjects 300 spectators in 『2009 CJma9ma9 professional baseball』with convenience sampling method and used 280, excluding 20 insufficient respondents, and then process the data with SPSSWIN Ver. 15.0 and AMOS 7.0. After that I tested the goodness of fit for the study by structural equation model analysis and testified the respective hypothesis. The results are as follows; First, economic responsibility and social contribution had a significant effect on sponsor identification, however community·cultural service and consumer protection had no significant effect on sponsor identification. Second, sponsor identification had a significant effect on positive emotion and attitude toward sponsor. Third, positive emotion had a significant effect on attitude toward sponsor and using intention. Fourth, attitude toward sponsor had a significant effect on using intention.
Key Words
corporate social responsibility, sponsor identification, positive emotion, attitude toward sponsor, using intention
Influence of cognitive structure and subjective belief to a sports team on psychological commitment to the team and intention to attend a sporting event 스포츠 팀에 대한 인지적 구조와 주관적 믿음이 심리적 몰입과 재관람 의도에 미치는 영향
하제현JaeHyunHa , 김준JunKim
49(1) 281-291, 2010
Influence of cognitive structure and subjective belief to a sports team on psychological commitment to the team and intention to attend a sporting event 스포츠 팀에 대한 인지적 구조와 주관적 믿음이 심리적 몰입과 재관람 의도에 미치는 영향
하제현JaeHyunHa , 김준JunKim
The purpose of study was to identify the relationship (1) between cognitive structure and psychological commitment; (2) between subjective belief and psychological commitment; (3) between cognitive structure and intention to attend a sporting event; and (4) between subjective belief and intention to attend a sporting event. It has been suggested that cognitive structure was composed of affective reaction, cognitive reaction, and knowledge as well as subjective belief consisted of importance and certainty. 411 useable questionnaires was drawn from students enrolled in physical activity classes at a large public university in the southeastern region of the United States using a convenient sampling method. Data were analyzed with multiple regression analysis using SPSS 12.0. The results of this study revealed that (1) knowledge and cognitive reaction had a positive and direct influence on psychological commitment, (2) importance and certainty had a significant influence on psychological commitment, (3) affective reaction, cognitive reaction, and knowledge had a significant impact on intention to attend a sporting event, and (4) importance and certainty positively contributed to intention to attend a sporting event.
Key Words
cognitive structure, subjective belief, psychological commitment, Intention to attend a game
An analysis of the effects of the educational service quality of youth sports center on a parents-satisfaction, sports experience activity participating intention and recommendation 유소년 스포츠센터 교육 서비스품질이 학부모 만족과 스포츠 체험활동 참여의도 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향
An analysis of the effects of the educational service quality of youth sports center on a parents-satisfaction, sports experience activity participating intention and recommendation 유소년 스포츠센터 교육 서비스품질이 학부모 만족과 스포츠 체험활동 참여의도 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine closely what of effects educational service quality of a youth sports center has on parents-satisfaction, sports experience activity participating intention and recommendation to provide basic data to come up with different marketing youth sports center. Data was analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation relative analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation modeling were carried out using SPSS 12.0 & AMOS 5.0. As the result of analysis, first educational service quality have a significant effect on parents-satisfaction. Second, educational service quality have a significant effect on sports experience activity participating intention. Third, educational service quality have not significant effect on sports experience activity participating intention. Forth, parents-satisfaction have not significant effect on sports experience activity participating intention. Fifth, parents-satisfaction have not significant effect on recommendation. Sixth experience activity participating intention have not significant effect on recommendation.
Key Words
educational service quality, parents-satisfaction, sports experience activity participating intention, recommendation
The relationships among social physique anxiety, bodily kinesthetic intelligence and exercise adherence according to exercise behavior change stage of adolescence 청소년의 운동행동변화단계에 따른 사회적 체형불안, 운동지능과 운동지속의 관계
49(1) 309-319, 2010
The relationships among social physique anxiety, bodily kinesthetic intelligence and exercise adherence according to exercise behavior change stage of adolescence 청소년의 운동행동변화단계에 따른 사회적 체형불안, 운동지능과 운동지속의 관계
The purpose of this study was an analysis on relationships among social physique anxiety, bodily kinesthetic intelligence and exercise adherence according to exercise behavior change stage of adolescence. The subjects of this study were a total of 504 middle and high school students in Busan. The questionnaire assessed EBSCQ, SPAQ, K-BKIS, EAQ. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 11.0 programs the statistical techniques of Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan test, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis. The level of significance of all hypotheses tested was 5% and the results were as follows. First, girls were recontemlptation and contemplation stage more than boys. Second, girls were higher than boys and middle school students were higher than high school students in social physique anxiety. And boys were higher than girls in physical ability, tendency and possibility. Third, contemplation stage were higher than maintenance stages in social physique anxiety. And maintenance stage were higher than precontemplation and contemplation stages in physical ability, physical control, physical expression, tendency and possibility. Forth, social physique anxiety negative relation among physical ability and tendency. And it was positive relations among physical ability, physical control, physical expression, tendency and possibility. Also physical ability was positive effect on tendency and possibility of exercise adherence.
Positioning of women skating instructor 빙상 여성지도자의 자리매김하기
이윤숙YunSookLee , 김현식HyunSikKim
49(1) 321-330, 2010
Positioning of women skating instructor 빙상 여성지도자의 자리매김하기
이윤숙YunSookLee , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth description on positioning of women skating instructors. In order to accomplish such purpose, 4 skating instructors who formerly worked as professional skaters were selected as subjects of culture technological study. Data collected through in-depth interview, participant observation and documents were analyzed using cultural analysis method of Spradley (1980). In addition, tests on the confidence, feasibility and morality of the study were performed in the process of collecting and analyzing the data. The process of positioning of women skating instructors was composed of entrance period, adaptation period and growth period. Entrance period is from the beginning of career as a professional skater until the moment one decides to become a skating instructor. Adaptation period is from the beginning of career as an instructer after retirement from skater until the beginning of assimilation to the role of skating instructors. Growth period is the period in which women skating instructors become settled for their job. Factors that affect positioning process of women skating instructors include social recognition, role performance and human relationships.
Key Words
women skating instructor, positioning
Effect of Leisure constraints and perceived social support on Leisure satisfaction among male high school students 남자고등학생의 여가제약 및 사회적지지 지각이 여가만족도에 미치는 영향
49(1) 331-339, 2010
Effect of Leisure constraints and perceived social support on Leisure satisfaction among male high school students 남자고등학생의 여가제약 및 사회적지지 지각이 여가만족도에 미치는 영향
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leisure constraints and perceived social support on leisure satisfaction among male high school students. A total of 200 male high school students in D province, each 50 students from 2 academic high schools and 2 vocational high schools, participated in the current study and questionnaires were distributed. 197 questionnaires collected were used for statistical analysis. Statistical methods used in this study were frequent analysis, independent t-test, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed the following. First, there were significant differences in the time structural factor of leisure constraints and in the friend factor and the family factor of perceived social support between academic high school students and vocational high school students. Second, leisure constraints influenced on psychological factor, educational factor, and relaxational factor of leisure satisfaction among academic high school type. Last, social support influenced on physiological factor of leisure satisfaction among vocational high school. In conclusion, we have identified that the high school student in academic high school tend to have more leisure constraints and therefore, a variety of leisure activities should be strongly recommended.
Key Words
Leisure Constraints, Social Support, Leisure Satisfaction
A analysis on yoga experience of professional women 전문직여성의 요가수행체험 분석
송강영KangYoungSong , 김이정YeeJeungKim
49(1) 341-350, 2010
A analysis on yoga experience of professional women 전문직여성의 요가수행체험 분석
송강영KangYoungSong , 김이정YeeJeungKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze unique cultural character of professional women absorbed in Yoga. That is, professional women was to investigate recognition world and unique features of cultures on yoga. Participants were consisted of 5 professional women participated in Yoga. Phenomenology method was used. The results were followed. Professional women were made up of six dimensions about yoga experiences. First, Yoga experiences were helped health promotion. Second, Yoga experiences have changed with body. Third, Yoga experiences have changed with mind. Fourth, Yoga experiences were got rid of stress. Fifth, Yoga experiences were supply the life with energy. Finally, Yoga experiences felt to the finished in a day.
Key Words
professional women, yoga, ethnography Method
Testing a causal model between perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and practice participation intention in dance classes 무용수업에서 지각된 동기 분위기와 내적동기 및 연습참여의도간의 인과모형검증
49(1) 351-364, 2010
Testing a causal model between perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and practice participation intention in dance classes 무용수업에서 지각된 동기 분위기와 내적동기 및 연습참여의도간의 인과모형검증
The purpose of this research is to inspect the effect to the atmosphere of motive perceiving in a dancing class, sense of ability perceived achievement goal, intention to practice and internal motivation by college students of dance department based on achievement motivation. And it is to inspect the effect to internal motivation and intention to practice carried by sense of ability perceived achievement goal. The first, experienced atmosphere has relations with all variables except a perceived sense of ability, and achievement atmosphere has relations with all variables except a internal motivation. And propensity to subject and personal inclination also have relations with sense of ability, internal motivation and intention to practice. The second, experienced atmosphere directly affects to propensity to subject. And consciousness of achievement atmosphere directly affects to personal inclination strongly. Propensity to subject directly affects to internal motivation, but doesn’t indirectly affect through perceived sense of ability. The third, personal inclination directly affects to sense of ability, and perceived sense of ability directly affects to internal motivation and intention to practice. Internal motivation has positive relation with intention to practice. The fourth, personal inclination goal doesn’t affect to intention to practice after the class carried by perceived sense of ability.
Key Words
perceived atmosphere of motive, propensity of achievement goal, internal motivation, perceived sense of ability, intention of practice
The relationships between perceived dance teacher’s feedback, Learning environments, and course interest 지각된 무용교사의 피드백과 학습환경 및 수업흥미간의 관계
49(1) 365-372, 2010
The relationships between perceived dance teacher’s feedback, Learning environments, and course interest 지각된 무용교사의 피드백과 학습환경 및 수업흥미간의 관계
The purpose of the study was to investigate the impacts of the perceptions of learning environments and teacher's feedback on students' dance interest in arts high school. 371 girls completed to questionnaires measuring perceived learning environments, perceived teachers' feedback, and course interest. Hierarchical regression was used for data analysis. The results of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that perceived challenge in learning environments was the most important variable predicting students' course interest. Specially concentration and satisfaction to classes were significantly predicted by variables such as perceived challenge, perceived threat, positive general feedback, and positive non-verbal feedback, whereas self-confidence was significantly influenced by perceived challenge, perceived threat, and positive general feedback. Relatedness was predicted by perceived challenge and positive non-verbal feedback. The results suggest that the level of students' interest in dance classes would be high when they perceived their class climate as being challenged and received positive general, or non-verbal feedback from their dance teachers.
Key Words
school dance education, perceived teacher`s feedback, perceived Learning environment, interest
The effects of dance therapy program on the cognitive function and memory of movement of elderly with dementia 무용치료프로그램이 치매노인의 인지기능 및 운동적 기억에 미치는 효과
최윤정YunJeongChoi , 황향희HyangHeeHwang , 김보람BoRamKim
49(1) 373-382, 2010
The effects of dance therapy program on the cognitive function and memory of movement of elderly with dementia 무용치료프로그램이 치매노인의 인지기능 및 운동적 기억에 미치는 효과
최윤정YunJeongChoi , 황향희HyangHeeHwang , 김보람BoRamKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dance therapy program on the cognitive functions and the memories of movement of dementia patients. The elderly with dementia above the age of 65 in C nursing home of Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, participated in the MMSE-KC, and 19 patients were chosen and they were randomly placed in two groups of the experimental and control groups. Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test, non-parametric statistics were applied to investigate the effect of the cognitive functions and the memories of movement after dance therapy program was performed during 6 weeks. In the result, the cognitive functions had no statistical difference, and pretest and posttest results of experimental group were also invaluable. The memories of movement had no statistical difference, but pretest and posttest results of experimental group were statistically valuable. The results of this study prove that dance therapy program is effective to improve the memories of movement of dementia patients.
Key Words
dance therapy, dementia, cognitive, memory of movement
The effect of walking training and drug therapy on the change of bone mineral density in the elderly patients 보행훈련과 약물요법이 노인환자의 골밀도 변화에 미치는 영향
이상민SangMinLee , 김지성JiSungKim , 김수한SooHanKim
49(1) 383-392, 2010
The effect of walking training and drug therapy on the change of bone mineral density in the elderly patients 보행훈련과 약물요법이 노인환자의 골밀도 변화에 미치는 영향
이상민SangMinLee , 김지성JiSungKim , 김수한SooHanKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of osteoporosis agents and osteoporosis agents combined with physical therapy on bone mineral density in elderly patients. A total of 200 patients, who were hospitalized in Hyo-ja Geriatric Hospital in Yong-in City, participated in this study. The statistical analysis of bone mineral density(BMD) was measured by the bone mineral density score (T-score) in the initial hospitalization and the re-measured in about one year. The findings of this study show that osteoporosis agents combined with physical therapy is more effective for prevention of osteoporosis and inhibition of bone mineral density(BMD) decrease in elderly patients than a single medication of osteoporosis agents and a single physical therapy.
Key Words
elderly patients, osteoporosis, osteoporosis agents, T-score, walking training
Effects of treadmill exercise on inflammatory signaling pathway in mouse skeletal muscle: IκB, NIF-κB, and COX-2 as potential targets 트레드밀 운동이 마우스 골격근의 염증반응기전에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 김시영SiYoungKim
49(1) 393-402, 2010
Effects of treadmill exercise on inflammatory signaling pathway in mouse skeletal muscle: IκB, NIF-κB, and COX-2 as potential targets 트레드밀 운동이 마우스 골격근의 염증반응기전에 미치는 영향
이용수YoungSooLee , 김시영SiYoungKim
The present study was aimed at evaluating the effects of treadmill exercise on inflammatory response through inhibitor of κB (IκB) phosphorylation (p-IκB), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) DNA binding activity, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in mouse skeletal muscle. In the first experiment, muscle tissues obtained from the soleus of fifteen ICR mice before (pre-exercise condition; PEC, n=5), immediately after exercise (IAE, n=5), and 1 h recovery after exercise (1h-RAE, n=5) on treadmill. Highest levels of p-IκB and NF-κB activation were observed at IAE, while COX-2 expression reached peak levels at 1h-RAE. In follow-up experiment, twenty-one mice who participated in the treadmill training of different intensity for times per week for sixteen weeks were randomly allocated to non-exercise control group (NCG, n=7), low-intensity exercise group (LEG, 40%, n=7), and high-intensity exercise group (HEG, 80%, n=7). After training, level of p-IκB level and NF-κB DNA binding activity were lower in HEG compared with NCG, whereas IκB level was higher.
Association between the Level of past 2-year Leisure time physical activity participation & obesity and insulin resistance & the risk factors of cardiovascular disease among korean male adolescents 남자 고등학생들의 2년간 여가시간 신체활동 참여시간과 비만도가 인슐린 저항성 및 심혈관질환 위험요인에 미치는 영향
Association between the Level of past 2-year Leisure time physical activity participation & obesity and insulin resistance & the risk factors of cardiovascular disease among korean male adolescents 남자 고등학생들의 2년간 여가시간 신체활동 참여시간과 비만도가 인슐린 저항성 및 심혈관질환 위험요인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the association between the level of leisure time physical activity(LTPA) participation & body mass index(BMI) and insulin resistance & the risk factors of cardiovascular disease(CVD) in Korean male adolescents. A total of 437 male adolescents(18.54±.52yrs.) were recruited, and past 2-year LTPA participation assessments, anthropometric measurements and serum analysis were conducted. The findings of the study were that 1)adolescents with high BMI had higher level of systolic blood pressure(SBP), triglycerides(TG), total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, and CVD risk score, and lower level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol and insulin sensitivity, 2) adolescents with low level of LTPA had higher SBP, TG, insulin, insulin resistance, and CDV risk score, 3)adolescents with high level of LTPA among those with high level of BMI had relatively lower level of insulin resistance and CVD risk score. The current study suggests that not only preventing obesity but also increasing level of LTPA play important role for the health promotion in Korean adolescents.
Key Words
Korean adolescents, body mass index, Leisure time physical activity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease risk score
Effects of sprint interval training and detraining on cycling endurance capacity and metabolic indices in humans 스프린트인터벌 트레이닝 및 트레이닝 중지가 지구력 및 대사변인에 미치는 영향
윤재량JaeRyangYoon , 오재근JaeKeunOh , 전해섭HaeSubJun
49(1) 413-426, 2010
Effects of sprint interval training and detraining on cycling endurance capacity and metabolic indices in humans 스프린트인터벌 트레이닝 및 트레이닝 중지가 지구력 및 대사변인에 미치는 영향
윤재량JaeRyangYoon , 오재근JaeKeunOh , 전해섭HaeSubJun
The purposes of this study was to evaluate whether untrained students and elite wrestlers can improve cycling endurance time and whether endurance training-induced changes occurs in metabolic consequences shortly after application of training methods developed by Burgomster et al and finally how detraining affects changes that occurs with sprint interval training for short term. SIT program applied in the study can be useful or be altered for untrained or athletes for whom substantial amount of time for physical training is not available. Athletes who are governed by anaerobic type of movement may be provide with time-saving training methods like SIT. On the other hand, athletes who need endurance capacity and performance can also use SIT program applied in the study. Finally, results from this study can provide athletes and sedentary people with new insight into alternative way to train to induce improvement in cycling endurance timethrough decrease in blood lactate accumulation, glycogen breakdown and improvement in oxidative and aerobic capacity by skeletal muscle during sub-maximal exercise. This work was done with the sports promotion fund from Korea Institute of Sport Science, Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation.(KISS-08-A07007)
Key Words
sprint interval, detraining, endurance, metabolites, cycling test
Improvement evaluation of horizontal bar watanabe dropping movements 철봉 Watanabe 내리기 동작의 향상도 평가
49(1) 427-436, 2010
Improvement evaluation of horizontal bar watanabe dropping movements 철봉 Watanabe 내리기 동작의 향상도 평가
This study whose subjects are two excellent and selected players in horizontal bar that is one of Korean main events is an analysis of landing movements of horizontal bars watanabe dropping movements through 3 dimensional image analysis. Through first technical analysis I provided feedback, through second technical analysis evaluated improvement and accomplishment of their technique. After those analyses, I drew the following conclusion. In the case of a testee S1, he could not only get out of the bar as maintaining the height of body center, big moving body spin angle and rapid rising speed but also perform effective twisting movements and stable landing movement because there was enough flying height and moving body spin distance at the highest point. So he showed magnificence of the movements which are of great advantage to getting points. In the case of a testee S2, although he released his hands a little bit faster because of instability based on speed increasing of wide whirling, his horizontal and vertical speed were increased. Thanks to effective twisting movement, he could perform landing movement without errors in maintaining stable landing angle.
Key Words
watanabe, Landing, COG, deduction
Effects of female maturation on the Lower extremity injury risk factors during the box drop Landing 여성들의 성숙이 드롭랜딩 시 하지의 부상위험 요인에 미치는 영향
김현주HyunJooKim , 김종덕JongDukKim , 김미영MiYoungKim
49(1) 437-443, 2010
Effects of female maturation on the Lower extremity injury risk factors during the box drop Landing 여성들의 성숙이 드롭랜딩 시 하지의 부상위험 요인에 미치는 영향
김현주HyunJooKim , 김종덕JongDukKim , 김미영MiYoungKim
The purpose of this study were to investigate of the effects of female maturation on the knee kinematics during the box drop landing. Thirty three females (ages 7 to 24 years) were participated in this study. The participants divided three groups with ages(7 to 10, 13 to 16, and 21 to 24 year old females) and drop landing with her's knee height box. Statistical analysis consisted of one-way ANOVA with the level of significance set at p<.05. Results of this study were that the puberty and postpuberty females showed decreased knee flexion angles and increased knee abduction and internal rotation angles than prepuberty females during the drop landing. Puberty and postpuberty females increases noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors due to the greater knee loads than prepuberty females.
Key Words
Lower extremity, injury risk factors, female, drop Landing
Difference of the shoe, dress shoe, and barefoot’s impact factors during walking 운동화와 구두 보행 시 충격 요인 차이 분석
49(1) 445-455, 2010
Difference of the shoe, dress shoe, and barefoot’s impact factors during walking 운동화와 구두 보행 시 충격 요인 차이 분석
The purpose of this study was to determine the time and frequency domain characteristics of vertical ground reaction force (vgrf) during shoe, dress shoe, and barefoot walking. Mean and standard deviation of selected VGRF time and frequency domain parameters for the 12 subjects were calculated from 10 trials. The results showed that the initial impact peak and impact loading rate were significantly larger in the barefoot walking condition compared to the shoe and dress shoe walking conditions. The barefoot walking condition also resulted in significantly higher frequency and percentage of high frequency, which was above 10 Hz. There were no significant difference in the time and frequency domain parameters calculated in this study between shoe and Italian shoe walking conditions. In conclusion, Shoe and dress shoe can reduce the initial peak force, impact loading rate, and frequency contents of the passive portion of the VGRF in walking.
Key Words
walking, impact, frequency, VGRF, passive portion
The effects of 12-week aquatic gait and Land exercises on gait capacity in hemiplegia disable 12주간 수중보행과 지상보행운동이 편마비 장애인의 보행능력에 미치는 영향
이용희YongHeeLee , 강서정SuhJungKang
49(1) 457-464, 2010
The effects of 12-week aquatic gait and Land exercises on gait capacity in hemiplegia disable 12주간 수중보행과 지상보행운동이 편마비 장애인의 보행능력에 미치는 영향
이용희YongHeeLee , 강서정SuhJungKang
Aquatic gait training program is a new promising therapy in recovery of functions for walking of the disabled with Cerebrovascular accident(CVA). The purpose of this study was to compare aquatic gait training and (AGT) and land gait training(LGT) on gait capacity in hemiplegic disabled after stroke. The subjects of this study were classified in AGT(n=8, 50.57±11.68 yrs) and LGT(n=8, 54.25±7.45 yrs) groups. The exercise program of two groups were performed three times per week, sixty minutes per session for twelve weeks. Walking capacity was evaluated before and after 12 week program. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was utilized to evaluate period and group differences. In results, walking capacity was partly enhanced regardless of exercise types. Also, walking capacity evaluated by TUG was improved after 12 weeks of exercise and their group differences were significantly different. These results indicated that walking capacity is able to enhance by exercise. Also some result showed that, exercise effect would be different by exercise types.
Key Words
aquatic gait, Land exercise, gait capacity, hemiplegia disable
Action study about inclusive physical education through sport education curriculum model based on universal design for Learning 보편적 학습설계를 기반으로 한 통합체육 스포츠교육 모형 실행연구
임영택YoungTaekLim , 이만희ManHeeLee , 진성원SeongWonJin
49(1) 465-480, 2010
Action study about inclusive physical education through sport education curriculum model based on universal design for Learning 보편적 학습설계를 기반으로 한 통합체육 스포츠교육 모형 실행연구
임영택YoungTaekLim , 이만희ManHeeLee , 진성원SeongWonJin
The purposes of this study are to search the possibilities of Sport Education Curriculum Model that can be applied to the actual classes of inclusive physical education and to understand the changing process about students with disabilities from students without disabilities' point of view. 35 students who belong to an inclusive classroom of the third grade, class 0 of B middle school located in I metropolitan city were selected as the participants. Data were gathered by students without disabilities' portfolios and focus group interview, and were analyzed by constant comparative method. The result of Inclusive Physical Education practice through Sport Education Curriculum Model based on Universal Design for Learning was focused on the interpretation of the changing process of students without disabilities' cognition in the environment of direct interactions with disabled students. Students without disabilities who used to avoid and kept their distance from the students with disabilities experienced the cognitive changing process through adjustments and comprehension, and furthermore they showed changes in their behavior of accepting and supporting them. We expect that this study can help others to plan and apply inclusive physical education as well as to understand the cognitive changing processes of students without disabilities towards students with disabilities deeply.
Key Words
inclusive physical education, universal design for Learning, sport education curriculum model, action study
Meaures for the use of the public sports facilities for the sports activites of people with the disabled 장애인 체육활동을 위한 공공체육시설 활용 방안
김춘종ChunJongKim , 김경숙KyungSookKim
49(1) 481-490, 2010
Meaures for the use of the public sports facilities for the sports activites of people with the disabled 장애인 체육활동을 위한 공공체육시설 활용 방안
김춘종ChunJongKim , 김경숙KyungSookKim
The purpose of this research is to propose measures to increase the use of the every day sports complexes that were established close to the residential areas for the residents in order to increase disabled people’s sports activities and to increase their participation level. To increase use of the every day sports complex, which is considered public sports facility for the sports activity of the disabled people, working level data concerning the public sports facility in the nation and on the sports facilities for the disabled people were analyzed, and the issue was examined based on the analysis on the data on the public companies’ management evaluation data. To study measures for using every day sports complex going forth, journals and academic papers on the disabled people and the literatures were collected and analyzed. To conduct this research, literature was related basic data were studied. First, the sports complexes will be leveraged as the stronghold sports facility for the individual areas. Second, the sports complexes are to be used as the channel for consultation for the disabled people who wish to participate in the sports activities. Moreover, the sports complexes are to be leveraged as the space for the disabled people’s participation in the sports program for the first time in their life. Third, the sports complexes will be used as the practical training and educational institutions for the sports trainers for the disabled people. Fourth, the sports complexes will be leveraged as the stronghold for the activities of the young volunteers. Fifth, environment for the expansion of the sports programs and for vitalizing the use of the sports facilities by the disabled people through the modification of the management evaluation index will be fostered.
Key Words
public sports facility, people with the disabled, sports activity
The change of upper body functional fitness on Lymph massage and resistance exercise by the type of surgery for breast cancer 림프마사지와 저항운동이 유방암환자의 수술방법에 따른 상지기능 변화
김용우YongWooKim , 김미숙MiSookKim
49(1) 491-497, 2010
The change of upper body functional fitness on Lymph massage and resistance exercise by the type of surgery for breast cancer 림프마사지와 저항운동이 유방암환자의 수술방법에 따른 상지기능 변화
김용우YongWooKim , 김미숙MiSookKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze The effects of upper body functional fitness on Lymph Massage, upper flexibility and resistance exercise with breast cancer patients. The subjects were total 21 persons who were divided modified radical mastectomy(MRM, n=10) and breast conservation surgery(BCS; n=11) for breast cancer. The exercise program was consisted of lymph massage, shoulder flexibility and elastic band, which lasted three-times a week a 50~60 minutes during the 12 weeks. after combined exercise program in this study, In comparison pre and post within group, Dominate grip strength, sit & reach ups and shoulder tilt degree test were showed significant difference In MRM group. In BCS group, sit & reach ups showed significant difference. There were no change upper functional fitness, shoulder tilt degree, arm circumference between two groups. The present study indicated that combined program can have positive effects on upper extremity function and provide recovery rehabilitation program for breast cancer survivors.
Key Words
breast cancer, modified radical mastectomy, breast conservation surgery, Lymph massage, upper body flexibility, elastic band. Lymphedema, upper body functional fitness
The effects of soccer training according to appearance of execution in plyometrics training on aerobic abilities, SOD and MDA in soccer players intellectual disability 플라이오메트릭훈련 실시유무에 따른 축구훈련이 지적장애 축구선수의 심폐적성 및 SOD, MDA에 미치는 영향
김대현DaeHyunKim , 김대권DaeKwonKim
49(1) 499-512, 2010
The effects of soccer training according to appearance of execution in plyometrics training on aerobic abilities, SOD and MDA in soccer players intellectual disability 플라이오메트릭훈련 실시유무에 따른 축구훈련이 지적장애 축구선수의 심폐적성 및 SOD, MDA에 미치는 영향
김대현DaeHyunKim , 김대권DaeKwonKim
The purpose of this study was to closely examine the effects of soccer training according to appearance of execution in plyometrics training on Aerobic abilities and SOD, MDA in intellectual-disabled soccer players. Testee included 14 intellectual-disabled soccer players who stand for S city. The experimental group and the comparative group were 7 people, respectively. The experimental group had been carried out plyometrics training(twice a week/every one hour) and soccer training(twice a week/every two hours) for 12 weeks. The comparative group had been carried out soccer training(twice a week/every three hours) for 12 weeks. The following conclusions were obtained by comparing and analyzing the measurement value before and after soccer training according to the appearance of execution in plyometrics training. First, the group with training showed the higher enhancement than the comparative group in GXT(p<.05). Second, right after the maximum exercise, the comparative group was increased SOD concentration more than before training. On the other hand, Right after the maximum exercise, the group with training was reduced(p<.05). In MDA, the significant difference was not indicated in the training period and the blood-gathering period according to group. The conclusion was obtained Aerobic abilities to be more useful to apply plyometrics training program given soccer training even to the intellectual disabled. It is seen to have value enough to be applied even to training, program necessary for exercise durability elevation in addition to it.
Comparison of body composition, blood Lipid profiles, and physical fitness according to IGF-1 gene polymorphism in a child 아동의 IGF-1 유전자 다형성에 따른 신체구성, 혈중 지질변인농도 및 체력수준의 비교
49(1) 513-524, 2010
Comparison of body composition, blood Lipid profiles, and physical fitness according to IGF-1 gene polymorphism in a child 아동의 IGF-1 유전자 다형성에 따른 신체구성, 혈중 지질변인농도 및 체력수준의 비교
The study analyzed a polymorphism of the IGF-1 gene in the subjects who were composed of elementary students. The differences were analyzed on body composition, blood lipid profiles and physical fitness among genotypes of polymorphism. 153 Subjects (male=83, female=70) were recruited from elementary schools. Genotypes of the IGF-1 gene polymorphism were determined as the methods of Larsen(1997). One-way ANOVA and Tukey test were used for comparing the body composition, blood lipid profiles and physical fitness among groups of homozygous, heterozygous, and non-carriers of the 19 CA repeat (192-bp allele). Statistical significance was set as p<0.05. Allele of IGF-1 gene showed the highest frequency on 19 CA repeat, and subjects of 19 CA heterozygous showe the highest number in male and female subjects. BMI were different in male (p<0.05) and non-carriers group increased for 19.75±3.57 kg/m2, groups of heterozygous and homozygous were in order. Percentage of body fat and WHR inclined to increase regularly in the male group of non-carriers. There were no different in skeletal age, physical fitness, and blood lipid profiles according to IGF-1 gene polymorphism in male and female. To give priority to body fat, the IGF-1 gene polymorphism could influence on a body composition, but it couldn’t influence on traditional indices of metabolic syndromes such as blood lipid profiles, glucose and insulin.
Key Words
IGF-1 gene polymorphism, child, CA repeat, body composition, physical fitness
Effects of gender, age, times of perceptual modeling, stimulus velocity on the adolescences’ timing accuracy 성별, 연령, 지각적 모델링 횟수, 자극 속도가 청소년의 타이밍 정확성에 미치는 영향
최종환JongHwanChoi , 노기택KiTaekRho
49(1) 525-533, 2010
Effects of gender, age, times of perceptual modeling, stimulus velocity on the adolescences’ timing accuracy 성별, 연령, 지각적 모델링 횟수, 자극 속도가 청소년의 타이밍 정확성에 미치는 영향
최종환JongHwanChoi , 노기택KiTaekRho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of gender, age, times of perceptual modeling, stimulus velocity on the adolescences' timing accuracy. There were 2 age groups(13 or 18 yrs). Subjects in each group were compared under four modeling conditions consisting of no, 1, 5, 10 perceptual modeling trials administered by having subjects view stimulus lights(fast or slow) on a Bassin anticipation runway prior to active performance. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and 3-way ANOVAs were used. The results of this study were as follows: First, regardless of age, male subjects were influenced by perceptual modeling to improve timing accuracy, but female subjects did not show the effect of the modeling on timing accuracy on the slower velocity in acquisition and retention stage. Second, even though male subjects(18 yrs) and female subjects(13 & 18yrs) showed better timing accuracy with increased times of modeling(5, 10 times), but not 13 yrs male group on the faster velocity in acquisition stage. Third, gender, age, and times of modeling did not effect on timing accuracy of the faster velocity in retention stages. Therefore, this study suggest that perceptual modeling on the timing accuracy might be influenced by gender, adolescences' age, velocity differently.
Key Words
gender, age, perceptual modeling, stimulus velocity, timing accuracy, the adolescence
Effects of improvement of muscle strength on exercise intensity of 1RM and RPE during muscular resistance training in the elderly women 고령여성의 근저항트레이닝시 1RM과 RPE에 의한 운동강도 설정에 따른 근력향상 효과에 관한 연구
Effects of improvement of muscle strength on exercise intensity of 1RM and RPE during muscular resistance training in the elderly women 고령여성의 근저항트레이닝시 1RM과 RPE에 의한 운동강도 설정에 따른 근력향상 효과에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of improvement of muscle strength on exercise intensity of 1RM and RPE during muscular resistance training in the elderly women. Subjects were divided 3 group(10~20%RM group, 30~40%RM group, RPE 10-12 group) from 36 elderly women. The subjects performed muscular resistance training for 12 weeks and effects on 1RM(arm curl, shoulder press, chest press, lat pull down, leg extension, leg curl, leg press, hip abductor, abdominal) have been evaluated. Analysis of the 1RM, All group(10~20%RM group, 20~30%RM group, RPE 10-12group) showed statistically meaningful improvement between period analysis and RPE 10-12 group showed statistically meaningful better improvement than 10~20%RM group.